HFMA Report on Collagen: 2023

The HFMA Report on Collagen: 2023 captures the work of the HFMA Collagen Special Interest Group. It is an expertly written and practically applied guide for members, and non-members.

“It is quite an accomplishment, with so many different types and forms of collagen, different approaches to selling and emerging research, to have established a collagen paper of such solidity. It is testimony to the HFMA members who have contributed to this work, and the expertise of the HFMA team in pulling it together”.
Robert Taylor, Vitabiotics

The HFMA Report on Collagen: 2023, aims to bring to the fore a deeper understanding of the collagen market and to set in place benchmark standards for manufacture, quality, testing and marketing to consumers. This is vital to maintain a commercial level playing field, high quality products, compliant labels, and information to consumers that is trusted, reliable, and accurate.

“We are delighted to bring the HFMA Report on Collagen: 2023, to Industry. It is testimony to the hard work and determination of all who took part in the HFMA Collagen Special Interest group, and the result has been a fantastic piece of cohesive, collaborative work. The fruit of that is the publication of this report, which sets clear guidance and benchmark standards for anyone producing, manufacturing, transporting and retailing collagen raw materials and finished product”.
Esther Mills-Roberts

If you have any queries regarding the HFMA Report on Collagen: September 2023, please get in touch.